Friday, February 19, 2010

Wood Gears

Ashoka group specializes in manufacturing and exporting a range of wooden gears. They are widely used in textile mills and other industrial operations. They are also used in clocks, flour mills and coal mines. Wooden gears are manufactured by making a blank out of wood, drilling the shaft hole and filling a key way in the wood. Then using a gear train at slow speed, long pieces of brass shim stock trimmed to the width of the gear is fed in between a pair of moving gears.

Wood  Gears

This forms the brass with the proper gear tooth shape. The brass with the tooth pattern is wrapped around the wooden blank, overlapped one tooth and soldered together. The wood with brass wrapped around it is then laid down on wax paper and the space between the brass teeth and the wood is filled with epoxy or fiberglass resin to harden the gear. It is then dried and trimmed up of excess epoxy. Gears made of wood are not so durable but they run smoothly and are easier to repair. We use mahogany or hard wood or other superior quality wood for the wooden gears to lend good hardness for resisting wear. Available in a variety of different models, our wooden gears have robust construction.

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